Do you ever want just one glass of wine, but worry that the rest will be wasted unless you finish the bottle? You need the Air Cork.
How Did We Come Up With This Idea ? The Process....

Air Cork, the wine preserver was invented by entrepreneur Eric Corti.
He felt that all current wine preservers were ineffective and were impossible to see or know if they were actually working. He was continually throwing away half bottles of wine and thought that there must be a way to actually seal the wine from the outside air - at the surface of the wine. But, the devise would have to fit down the narrow neck of a wine bottle and then still be able to seal to the side of the bottle. After much research, a prototype was developed.
Eric created a prototype from a blood pressure cuff and children's balloons and set out to confirm his assumptions and test his prototype. After several months of testing, the feedback was extremely positive and he proceeded to research and discover all aspects of wine, wine spoilage (oxidation), custom medical grade latex balloon production, source each component, assembly, packaging and finally bring it to market.
Our company sells ONLY the Air Cork, not thousands of other items. We are a family owned business, lucky enough to bring a single product to market and to the world. Rest assured that we will always support the Air Cork and our customers.

Why do I need an Air Cork?
As soon as wine is exposed to air, the wine begins to oxidize, which will continue to change the initial flavors and aromas.
Why it Works
Air Cork is intuitive, simple, and easy to use. It just plain works.
It provides an airtight seal no matter how much wine is left in the bottle. You can see that it’s working from outside of the bottle.
No more of these annoying work-arounds:
- NO MORE: Pumping to try to create a ‘vacuum’ and losing beautiful aromatics.
- NO MORE: Gas on or in your wine.
- NO MORE: Pouring into smaller bottles to try to eliminate excess air.
- NO MORE: Freezing and thawing wine.
Quick demo of the Air Cork
Air Cork protects your wine from oxidation allowing you to enjoy your wine tonight… and tomorrow. We pledge to provide the best product and service to our customers. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the product we sell.
Take your time, and enjoy your wine!
Internationally Patent Pending.
Air Cork is a registered trademark of Metroplex Services, Inc.